Này công dân ơi! Quốc gia đến ngày giải phóng. Đồng lòng cùng đi, hy sinh tiếc gì mạng sống! Vì tương lai quốc dân, cùng xông pha khói tên. Làm sao cho núi sông từ nay luôn vững bền, dầu cho thay phơi trên gươm giáo . Thù nước lấy máu đào đem báo. Nòi giống lúc biến phải cần giải nguy. Người công dân luôn vững bền tâm trí. Hùng tráng quyết chiến đấu làm cho khắp nơi vang tiếng người nước Nam cho đến muôn đời! Diệp khúc: Công dân ơi! Mau hiến thân dưới cờ, Công dân ơi! Mau làm cho cỏi bờ. Thoát cơn tàn phá, vẻ vang đời sống. Xứng danh ngàn năm dòng giống Lạc Hồng!
. The History of the Yellow and Three Red Stripes Flag (Symbol Of Freedom & Democracy) VNCH Anthem in English (Giáo Sư Nguyễn Ngọc Bích dịch) Citizens, our nation must become free. With one same heart let’s sacrifice ourselves. For our future let’s brave all dangers. To secure our land for now and ever. Though die we may on the field. Our blood we we’ll spill for land. And when our race need to be saved. We shall always respond in time. And fight with great mind till the day when Vietnamese become a shinning light. Citizens, let’s step forward now. Chorus: Citizens, rally the flags now. And save our land. Make its name shine . Forever worthy of our race!
Australians all let us rejoice. For we are young and free. We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil. Our home is girt sea. Our land abounds in nature’s gifts of beauty rich and rare. In history’s page, let every stage advance Australia fair. In joyful strains then let us sing. Advance Australia Fair ….
Vietnam country in Southeast Asia, on the South China Sea, south of China and east of Cambodia and Laos. Languages: Vietnamese. Population: 83,624,716 (in 2006) Area: 331,690 sq km (128,066 sq mi) Vietnam, country located on the eastern coast of the Indochinese Peninsula. Vietnam is bordered on the north by China, on the west by Laos and Cambodia, and on the south and east by the South China Sea. There are 3 parts in Vietnam. Hanoi is the capital and Ho Chi Minh City (Formerly Saigon is the largest city. In the middle it is called Hue. Saigon is commercial city in South Vietnam) The climate is hot and wet in summer. It is a little bit fine in spring. There are about 12,000,000 people live in Saigon now. They speak Vietnamese and Cantonese because a lot of Chinese migrated to Vietnam a long time ago. Vietnam is relatively long and narrow, with a varied terrain. The far north and much of central Vietnam are hilly to mountainous. In the north, the highlands slope gradually toward the eastern coast, forming broad plains intersected by numerous streams. The plains are intensely cultivated In central Vietnam, the narrowest part of the country, the mountains and highlands extend nearer to the coast, in a few places jutting into the sea and elsewhere dropping sharply to a narrow coastal plain. Southern Vietnam is very low lying, containing the broad, fertile delta of the Mekong River. Like the northern plains, much of the Mekong Delta is cultivated, and there are vast tracts of rice Before 30th, April 1975 Saigon was the capital of South Vietnam. Now Saigon changed to Hochiminh by the communists (They attacked South Vietnam that why a lot of Vietnamese boat people came to Australia and many parts of the world)
Thanks Australia for your open arms Thanks America for your open hearts Grand merci la France pour vos bras ouverts Thank you Canada for the liberty We thank the world for its true freedom We thank the world. Thank you, we thank you all!
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